- 7 Breastfeeding rules for mors with flu!
- Smile for protection from flu, sleep, drink water, play sports
In autumn season, respiratory tract disease is seen more frequent, Çukurova University ENT specialist Prof. Dr. Mete Kıroğlu, "Nowadays, flu, colds, colds, such as upper respiratory tract diseases frequently . The ventilation is a reason to spend time in closed and collective use areas that are not well done, "he said. gribal Infectionsis a viral disease, Prof. Dr. Kıroğlu noted that:"Gribal infection is viraldir, antibiotics should not be used" "respiratory tract diseases can be transmitted by air and in contact. Therefore, do not pass a lot of time in enclosed areas, environment is well ventilated. You have to spend time in fresh air and use sun enough. Personal hygiene rules should be noted. Good and balanced nutrition. enough fluids to consume. The flu vaccine must be made. However, if gribal infection is caught again, it should be well rested. Gribal infection is viral. Therefore, antibiotics should not be used in treatment of influenza. Because antibiotics are not used to treat se viruses. The use of unnecessary antibiotics in this treatment kills beneficial bacteria in throat and intestines. " Video: Beware of se for protection from flu!