NEW YORK. Back all, or nearly so, becauseé with Donald Trump, you can notò never know. The United States does not withdraw più from agreements of Paris on climate. No, United States confirm withdrawal. Statements and controdichiarazioni: what happens?Certain is that it took two hurricanes and several fires that have ravaged West Coast to re-open debate from this side of ’Ocean. Also for this, according to Wall Street Journal, United States would have even decided not to get out of più from agreements of Paris negotiations in 2015, from’administration of Barack Obama, doing an about-turn on-as announced by President Trump just last June. L’America does not withdraw from ’agreement, refore, but aims to revisionarne terms.&Is; how much would have been said by director of White House Everett Eissenstat at meeting of ministers of ’Environment that you è held today in Montreal. Organized to discuss how to proceed on ’agreement of Paris without United States. To ask for meeting, Canada, China and European Union in ’anniversary of protocol of Montreal, signed 30 years ago, when for first time discussed how to reduce security and l’use of those substances that threaten ozone layer.To give news reported by Wall Street Journal has been European Commissioner for l’Energy and l’s climate action Miguel Arias Cañete: «representatives of american government have said y do not want to più re-negotiate l’agreement. But y're going to revise terms of ir commitment». The sin which immediately came correction of correction. «re have been No changes in position of United States on agreements of Paris» declares for White House, Lindsay Walters. «As President has made clear già abundantly, United States will withdraw from competition. Unless y return with termini più favorable to Country».The said, d’or hand, same Wall Street Journal that it could be a change of direction so to say: a choice, in short, to take good americans in a time when Mor Earth, lift up your voice. Sì, becauseé, according to agreements United States – which are second più great polluter of world, after China - should engage significantly reduce ir emissions, but also to review terms might mean to establish roofs più high. Those “più fair” in words of President, who have been his goal right from’beginning.