For need of Turkish armed Forces (TSK) cavalry Horse, artillery Beygiri, Mekkare Mule, Kangal and Wolfdog will be taken.
According to information compiled by Central government budget code Draft of year 2018, purchase of animals will continue next year in line with military's need.
- For cavalry troops, most expensive animal to be taken to TSK in new Year, 6 thousand pounds of cavalry will be Beygiri. The cavalry will be followed by artillery and or passenger horsepower with a unit price of 5,000 lira.
The unit price of Wolf dog to be drafted in budget was set at 500 pounds. The unit price of Kangal dog will be paid for a thousand lira.
- 3 thousand lira for unit price of Mekkare horses and mules used in transportation works will be allocated.
In past, major importance of cavalry and mekframe troops, due to emerging technology, is lost, but se units are still being used in difficult terrain conditions.
The acquisition values and physical conditions of animals to be taken for needs of Army are as follows:
Ad- Service type height (mt) chest Circumference (MT) Unit Price (TL)
- Cavalry Rider Horse 1.45 (min) 1.65 6,000
- Artillery Rider 1.50 (at least) 1.70 5,000
- Or binappendices horsepower 1.43 (minimum) 1.60 5,000
- Mekkare Horse 1.36 (minimum) 1.52 3,000
- Meksquare Mule 1.36 (minimum) 1.50 3,000
- Dog Wolf-1,500
- Dog Coil-1,000
An era ended in Agenda Pavilion