Use same name and propolis against Mantara Prof. DR. Ibrahim ADNAN Saracoglu Health News Introduction Date: 19.10.2017 Take advantage of Calendula plant against fungi that officially translates women's lives into a nightmare. Wher in bath water or in form of cream, I will talk about enormous effect of mirror (orange Nergi) plant, which is a rare boon this week. Fungal complaints are a disorder that negatively affects human health and quality of life. Especially in women, re are frequent complaints of genital fungus in beginning. I recommend using Propolis with antibacterial, antifungal plant and anti-virus effects in general and genital yeast complaints. make cream from porridge Genital yeast complaints; Boiling water is boiled from four to five spoons of Calendula plant for five to six minutes. After water is applied in form of a living bath. I suggest this procedure be repeated three times a week. Your mushroom complaint can be influenced by 15 minutes on mushroom area of mixture where water cannot contact. I do not recommend use of curing during menstruation. In addition, you should also use Propolis. Once a day, two hours after meals should be smoked in half a cup of water, with 10 drops of propolis. In same way I propose same as bowel fungus complaint. Take a teaspoon of calendula to boil half a glass of chlorine-free water and simmer for five minutes on low heat. It would be helpful to drink two hours after dinner. Here is a consideration; You don't consume anything except water 30 minutes after you drink your herbal tea. In addition, you should also use Propolis. Once a day, two hours after meals should be smoked in half a cup of water, with 10 drops of propolis. watch out for dessert! I see benefit of stating; It would be helpful to follow nutritional instruction recommended by your physician. In first place, use of milk, dessert and frying should be measured and consumption of fresh foods should be taken care of. Nail fungus complaints are often among questions posed to me. As an alternative to Calendula plant, I recommend use of onions here. Onion should be a edible onion with an outer crust brown. In oven with medium-sized dried onion shells, after heating about 100-150 degrees, inner part called ' dwarf ' must be separated and enclosed void should be placed with mushroom nails. At least half a hour will be affected. The application is repeated and terminated periodically for 10 days. I also recommend tomato application during season for this complaint. The inner part of tomato can be applied on nail fungus at least half an hour, waiting for an hour. The most important consideration when using all of se cures; Shelf life of plant. The second is that plant is gared at right time. The third is how plant is dried. The most important thing is that plant you will use is right type in absolute face. If correct plant type is not, effect of product decreases greatly. rub sage oil in heels Because of gas complaints of infants, sleepless nights are ir mors ' fearful dream. I'm here to offer you a very successful cure. My suggestion is that powdered caraway and acelapple oil. In boiling half a cup of chlorine-free water into a teaspoon of teat (full) powdered caraway horse. After boiling a dose (stone), filter with help of gauze. Add two teaspoons of powdered sugar and a teaspoon of your baby's mouth. Fresh preparation is required each time. When re is a gas complaint, give a maximum of two or three teaspoons a day. It would be beneficial to use acelapple oil, also known as sage oil among people, in your baby's gas complaints. Once a day, massage your baby's heel or abdominal area by dripping apple oil. I see benefit of stating; Due to fact that Apple oil is essential oil, it should definitely not be used with mouth path. forgetfulness white cabbage Forgetiness and distraction complaints are frequently asked questions in recent times. The causes of vitamin B12 deficiency come in beginning. Vitamin B12 deficiency; Aft in mouth, nerve system weakness, joint pain is seen. B12 is one of most important vitamins in immune system. You can produce vitamin B12 that you will not receive from any vegetable, fruit or grain. My suggestion against B12 minus is white cabbage pickles. Slice rest of remaining part of middle-sized white cabbage with outermost leaves. Then add salt and caraway to mixing bowl and stir thoroughly until water is out. After mixing process is complete, fill in clean jar and press thoroughly and put a clean stone on end to make weight. Cover jar's mouth with clean cloth. You can fasten cloth around tire. Save at least four to 10 days in a cool, non-sun-blind place and n consume. If you have thyroid discomfort, I suggest you not use cabbage cure. mouthwash for edema in voice wires You can apply our sage-hibiscus mixture in mouthwash to protect edema and vocal cords formed in vocal cords. Add a teaspoon of a boiling cup to drinking water from hibiscus-sage plant mixture and boil it off lid for 10 minutes on low heat. Twice a day; Do a mouthwash 15 minutes before breakfast and evening bedtime. A cup of boiling water add a teaspoon of stone to root of drinking water and boil for eight minutes. After eighth minute, take it from January and wait for 10 minutes to brew. A warm product for breakfast and a half hour before dinner.