Turkey is in front of EU in clean energy: 14.10.2017 The capacity added to power established in 2016 Energy Minister Albayrak, which says that 55 percent of renewable energy sources are generating, "we are in front of EU in clean energy," said Energy and natural Resources Minister Berat Alb The flag said that it could not be accepted by reacting to a developing country, Turkey's growth among developed countries according to Paris climate summit. Albayrak continued as follows: "Turkey is among least polluting countries in world, while most polluting category is subject to same cult. When it comes to Turkey's responsibility to pollute world, it will be clearer. In this context, it is essential to distribute whole burden equally in proportion of countries ' capacities. " National Energy and Mineral Sabanci University Istanbul International Climate and Energy Center (IICEC) organized by 8th. Speaking at opening of International Energy and Climate Forum, Minister Albayrak is sustainability of most important issue on road map y created under National Energy and mining policy, reducing carbon footprint as a country Passed. Albayrak, in this context, 55 percent of capacity added to power established in 2016 by stating that renewable energy sources, "64 percent of our energy production facilities that we commissioned this year in 8 months are again based on renewable energy sources They have electrical facilities. According to size of wind energy capacity in 2016, we became 3rd country in world in 7th and 2017 in Europe. As of end of Turkey's August 2017, 81 thousand 355 megawatts of power of Council of Board is generating renewable energy sources. The European Union (EU) average is around 42 per cent, "he said. Albayrak, according to 2016 figures, 29 percent of total electricity produced in EU, while providing renewable energy sources, Turkey, leaving EU behind this area, 33 percent of electricity produced from renewable sources, he noted. big target for 10 years Noting how important Turkey is to clean energy investments with renewable energy source areas (Yeka) model, Albayrak said, "in next 10 years, 10,000 megawatts of solar and 10,000 megawatts of wind energy, especially We will provide maximum amount of renewable energy sources in energy basket, "he said. steps reduce current deficit Sabanci University founder of Board of Trustees chairman Guler Sabanci said that if sustainable energy solutions are not produced, a prosperous development and development cannot be achieved. The regulation on energy markets is gaining importance, Guler Sabanci has increased supply security of recent steps to increase use of local and renewable energy resources, while increasing current deficit to reduce Noted that it was important. This is a success story Minister Albayrak, new generation of local coal, eco-friendly, advanced technology plants to bring economy to investment infrastructure to be prepared announced. Albayrak explained that emissions values of new generation plants will be kept under EU's criteria. Turkey's nearly 10 natural gas pipeline project, economy and energy growth in region, voicing Albayrak, which is one of most important countries, added that a success story has been revealed at foreign investment point. The cost of solar energy will drop by half Speaking in forum, Executive Director of International Energy Agency (IEA), Fatih Birol, stated that cost of solar energy has fallen to half in last 3 years, "We believe that cost of solar energy by 2020 will fall to half again," he said. Turkey's LNG has made very important strides, said Birol, said: "Minister Albayrak opened doors for importation of new LNG. In this way, we reach a more flexible and diverse sector. " Until 2019, environmental investments in old-generation rmal power plants will be completed, Albayrak said, "It will become environmentally compatible plants that have no negative impact on human health. The plant has a lifetime, costs, but no cost of environment. We will use our local resources to maximum extent, "he said.
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Turkey in front of the EU in clean energy
Energy Minister Albayrak, who said that 55 percent of the capacity added to the power established in 2016 creates renewable energy sources, "in clean energy...
14 October 2017 Saturday 02:31 - 18 reads.