The Catholic television channel KTO dedicates to Daniel Pitt and a documentary without a blush on internal responsibilities of Church in paedophile course of Far Joel Alla. At 58 years, Daniel Pittt tells mechanisms of his subjection to this priest, his superiors who know but look away, mor who does not want to see, his certainty that one will not believe it. Only a great-aunt will help her. Superior General of Sisters of St. Paul, a convent where child is placed a time, she understands that little goes wrong. One day, she asks him about what he does three days a week at priest. "Auntie, I can't tell you." "Well, you won't go." Go tell him right now. The child goes re, is raped for last time and is heard by Capuchin: You do not interest me any more anyway. You can go to anor colleague. "And he gives him name of this" fellow. ""
Denial mechanismsFollow years of occultation of violence suffered and of intense ill-being. One day, in 1989, he crosses an 8-year-old child who "doesn't seem to go strong." "Is re someone who touches your wiener?" he asks. The child responds Yes. This is Far Joel Alla. For Daniel Pittt, who believed to be only victim, like many abused children, "it's a thundering blow." He rushes to bishopric, speaks of child, of his own past, and threatens hierarchy: "If you do nothing, I will file a complaint." He's being questioned about his story. He is n forced to "open [s]" and to remember everything during "horrible weeks". He is promised to dismiss guilty priest and to have him treated.
In fact, Joel went only moved. And for years he continues to assault children. He later recognized that he had raped more than 40 in his career, which would also lead him to France in Grenoble. Daniel Pittt learns, in 2002, that priest is still active and that he has again. He understands that hierarchy has lied to him. He began to testify in Swiss media, first with a covered face.
The film highlights church's own denial mechanisms. A priest, Joël Pralong, a specialist on paedophilia issues, testifies that in church "We are afraid" of this subject. The author of film, Philippine de Saint-Pierre, director general of KTO, assumes this point of view: "Yes, church has mishandled se affairs for decades, yes, we must move forward." That is precisely why Catholic chain has decided to make and produce this documentary entirely. "Among Catholics," explains Philippine de Saint-Pierre, re is sometimes temptation to say that this topic is a weapon used by media who do not like church. We love church, which is why we wanted to do it. We are in an ecclesial process of truth. Daniel Pittt remained a fervent believer and an active Catholic. "It is not in a hate process." It is not possible to use it to discredit his testimony, adds reporter.
My far, I forgive you, from Philippine de Saint-Pierre (Fr., 2017, 53 min).