He's hanging by head! Volkan Demir Football News date of entry: 9.10.2017 Fenerbahçe, Robin Van Persie to complete his hopes N Cut. The Dutch star comes to Samandira whenever he wants, leaving whenever he wants. He's not talking to anyone. When he survived injury, and he was going back to field, he was uncertain, despite allegations that he was crippled, Dutch national team, played with France in national jersey. A second time, Robin Van Persie, who suffered a disability, explained that he would only stay away from field for three weeks. but from break full 39 days passed, Dutch star yet in Samandira to run straight to field not even out. The experienced football player now expressed hope of technical delegation, and expected day to leave team. Robin van Persie wants when he came to Samandira, from facilities without talking to anyone learned to leave. There's no information on when he'll be back on team. instead of Eljif Diamond On or hand, Fenerbahçe administration, in January, to remove Robin Van Persie from squad and replacing Eljif diamond in eyes of final look. top winner of league From Fenerbahçe to 4.9 million euros per season and league's top winner, Van Persie, put a total of 14.7 million euros in his pocket in three years. 3 SEZON87 maçm GOL7 assistan opinion/gürcould Bilginiçi bank accounts are crippled! Fenerbahce president, "y tricked us. Crippled cripple, "after statement, it was not possible for Persie to be part of team. If club puts a stance on player, it's a dream to wait for it. Of course this is last point... The beginning was at beginning of last season. F. During Champions League qualifier of Garden, Persie is working separately from team, does not participate in preparatory camp, and did not play in se matches. In face of this situation, group of actors took a clear stance against Dutch. Because y didn't see feeling of responsibility in Persie as soon as y needed it. If a presence has been revealed, it was thanks to Advvocaat. The experienced Hodja played a week, not a week. Particularly motivated by derby, he benefited from RVP. The most important motivations of such players are money. If re is a disruption in payments, you will not be able to receive an output from a footballer who has already chosen Fenerbahçe for money. Apparently, except for Persie's knee, re were injuries to bank accounts.
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He's hanging by the head!
Fenerbahce, Robin Van Persie completely cut his hopes. The Dutch star comes to Samandira whenever he wants, leaving whenever he wants. With anyone...
09 October 2017 Monday 02:34 - 18 reads.